J.Santiago Torres Prieto
Ex Magistrado
Abogado del Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid
Socio fundador y Director de Torres & Oliva Legal Advisory
Born in Palencia on July 25, 1962.
A graduate in Law from the University of Valladolid, he entered the Judicial Career by virtue of a competitive examination in 1989.
Condecorado por su labor como Juez de Instrucción tanto con la Cruz de la Orden al Mérito de la Guardia Civil como con la Cruz al Mérito del Cuerpo Nacional de la Policía. (En octubre de 2008 y 2011 fue condecorado por el Ministerio de Interior con la Cruz con Distintivo Blanco de la Orden del Mérito del Cuerpo de la Guardia Civil. En 2010 fue condecorado con la Cruz con distintivo blanco de la Orden al Mérito de la Policía).
University professor, both in public and private universities, in the areas of private law and public law.
He has worked internationally as a collaborator of the Group of States against Corruption of the Council of Europe (G.R.E.C.O.).
Trustee of the Iberoamerica Europa Foundation, dedicated to development and cooperation with various Latin American countries. Consultant to Spanish companies abroad.
Judicial History
He has served in the following assignments as a Judge:
Bergara District Court (Guipuzcoa)
Bergara Court of First Instance and Preliminary Investigation No. 1 (on secondment)
Bergara Court of First Instance and Preliminary Investigation No. 3
Court of First Instance and Preliminary Investigation of Eibar (in Extension of Jurisdiction)
He became Chief Judge of Bergara and President of the Electoral Board of Bergara.
En 1991 fue ascendido a la categoría de Magistrado, siendo trasladado al Juzgado de Primera Instancia n º 10 de Barcelona.
In 1993, he was elected by the Magistrates assigned to the judicial bodies of Barcelona as the Dean Judge of Barcelona; by virtue of this position, he served as President of the Boards of Judges of Barcelona, Head of the Common Services of Judicial Communication Acts of Barcelona, and Secretary of the Judicial Police Coordination Board of the province of Barcelona as an ex officio member of the same. In 1995, he became an elected member of the Governing Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia, as well as of the Mixed Commissions Generalitat de Catalunya-TSJ in the areas of Judicial Information Technology and Personnel.
Upon his resignation as Dean Judge, he went on to serve in the Provincial Court of Barcelona, and specifically, in its 13th Section, specialized in Urban Leases.
In 1997 he was transferred to the Court of First Instance and Instruction No. 7 of Marbella, and in October 2000, to the Court of First Instance No. 34 of Madrid, from where he was subsequently transferred to the Court of Instruction No. 32 of Madrid in February 2004, and since June 28, 2012, he has held a position in Section 15 of the Provincial Court of Madrid, a position in which he left the Judicial Career.
International Experience
Due to the experience acquired in his professional practice, in matters of crime related to corruption and other economic crimes, he was appointed by the Ministry of Justice to participate, as a judicial expert, in the Third Round of Evaluation of the Kingdom of Spain, carried out by the Evaluation Team of the Group of States against Corruption of the Council of Europe (G.R.E.C.O), which executed the agreements for the legislative development and application in the Kingdom of Spain of the European Convention on criminal matters against Corruption.
Appointed by the Council of Europe as a Member of the Expert Evaluation Teams of the Group of States against Corruption of the Council of Europe (G.R.E.C.O.), and being entrusted to be part of the Evaluation Team of the Third Evaluation Round of the (G.R.E.C.O.) on the Republic of Macedonia and the adequacy of the legislation of such Republic to the above mentioned European Convention against Corruption.
Teaching Experience
A: Judicial Teaching
- Tutor in the provision and development of the program of the General Council of the Judiciary for the training of Substitute Judges in 1999 and 2001.
-Trainer of candidates for access to the Judicial Career from 2001-2003.
-Tutor of the Judicial School, dependent on the General Council of the Judiciary, in the training practices of Deputy Judges (in practice) uninterruptedly since the 54th Promotion of the Judicial Career.
Since 2003 he has collaborated with the Judicial School of the General Council of the Judiciary as a tutor for trainee judges and has actively participated in the Continuing Education Plans of the General Council of the Judiciary, as an assistant to all courses on Economic Criminal Law that have been called. And as a speaker in courses and programs on Criminal Mediation, as an alternative to the judicialization of conflicts, having been one of the participants in the experience of Criminal Mediation developed under the Agreement of the CGPJ and the Prosecutor's Office of Madrid. Experience that began in the Instruction Court nº 47 and nº 32 of Madrid, and continued to be executed alone in conjunction with voluntary associations of mediators in the Instruction Court nº 32.
Invited by the Center for Legal Studies of the Ministry of Justice to participate, as an expert, in the activities carried out in said Center in relation to Criminal Mediation, with a view to the preparation of preliminary draft legislation in relation to the transposition into Spanish National Law of the FRAMEWORK DECISION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, of March 15, 2001, on the status of the victim in criminal proceedings. As a result of this collaboration, he has participated as a speaker in the courses on Criminal Mediation being carried out by the CGPJ and the Ministry of Justice, through the programs of Continuing Education for Judges and Magistrates and the Center for Legal Studies of the Ministry of Justice. He has been invited as an expert in criminal mediation by the Secretariat of the Conference of Ministers of Justice of Iberoamerica to develop a pilot experience of Juvenile Criminal Mediation in the town of Guayaquil (Ecuador), to which other members of COMJIB have adhered.
He has collaborated as a teacher in the Training Program for Judges and Magistrates, organized by the General Council of the Judiciary.
B: Teaching in the legal profession
-Professorat the School of Legal Practice of the Malaga Bar Association, in its Marbella Classroom, 1998.
-Professor in collaboration with the Centro de Estudios Pedrol Ríus del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid in the preparation of Lawyers for the access to the Judicial Career by the Third Shift, having obtained the compatibility in the years 2000-01 and 2002-03.
He has been a trainer of lawyers who wished to access the Magistracy by the 4th Shift.
C: University and Post-University Teaching
Collaborator of the Faculty of Law of the University Alfonso X (UAX), with seminars, Professor of such University of the "Practicum" for students of 3rd and 4th year of Law until the academic year 2008-09 and Professor Coordinator of the subjects of Bankruptcy Law and Competition Law in the academic year 2006/2007.
Associate Professor of the Department of Private Law at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos since 2009, teaching Civil Law, Property Law, Law and Legal Informatics and Environmental Law at the Vicálvaro, Fuenlabrada and Móstoles Campuses.
-Professor in collaboration with the Instituto de Empresa-Colegio Jurídico in Master programs on Bankruptcy Law and Banking Law. 2002-03
-Professor in collaboration with the Instituto de Empresa-Colegio Jurídico in the Master of Business Legal Consultancy and Higher Program of Legal Practice. Years 2002-2003
Professor of the El Mundo Master in Investigative Journalism in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
Profesor colaborador del Master de Investigación Periodística de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Años 2.023 y 2.024